News お知らせ
“Hibiya Music Festival 2020” Cancellation Notice
We regret to inform you that The “Hibiya Music Festival 2020”, scheduled for May 30th (Sat) and May 31st (Sun) at Hibiya Park and peripheral facilities will be cancelled, with the declaration of the State of Emergency by the government, and restriction through May, on the use of numerous facilities of the park by the City of Tokyo, and out of concern for the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the safety of the visitors and staff.
We wish to extend our deep apology for those of you who were looking forward to “Hibiya Music Festival 2020”, those who expressed support through sponsorship and crowd funding, and to the participating artists and staff.
We pray for the quick recovery of the COVID-19 patients and a speedy resolution to the spread of the epidemic.
Hibiya Music Festival Executive Office